Rapping is an essential component of the collection and removal processes and an integral part of precipitator performance.  Ineffective rapping can lead to build-up, re-entrainment, and reduced power levels.  Periodically checking your rappers to ensure proper connections and functioning can help support consistent precipitator performance.  Below are some helpful tips to ensure the continued proper operation of your equipment.

How can I check the operation of my EMR2 rappers?

  1. Check your lift height. This will be the primary indicator if the rapper needs to be replaced. See our video on how to check lift height.
  2. Make sure it’s properly seated on the shaft. The rapper shaft needs to seat up against the strike plate in the mounting of the rapper to assure transfer of rapping energy.
  3. Check for corrosion on the housing and around the junction box. Water in-leakage will corrode the internals and cause coil failures.
  4. Check for missing or loose bolts at the flange. Replace or tighten as necessary.
  5. Check electrical connections in the junction box.
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Optimizing SO3 Systems in Multiple-Unit Plants

Duke Energy Beckjord: SO3

Installing separate SO3 flue gas conditioning systems on two units at Duke Energy's Beckjord Power Plant fixed ongoing struggles to maintain acceptable stack emission levels. Neundorfer provided one of the SO3 systems, and helped Duke Energy save mon ...

Read the White Paper

"The greatest benefit is that we can now prevent emissions from ever exceeding established opacity limits, and it does not require our round-the-clock attention."

Alan Burck

Plant Engineer, Duke Energy Beckjord Station

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